Hello to all, its been a while since i have posted my thoughts of this world through the world wide web for all of u folks to read the contents through ur pc monitor or laptop screen, either way that suits u better. Anyways, this is my first post since i've arrived in UiTM, its been good, or is it? I have no idea, it takes two to tango and im just being that spoilt bitch refusing to dance according to the institution's steps, maybe i'm more to mambo or some other style of dancing instead of tango. Maybe I'm experiencing a sort of culture shock to the way of living in this place, culture shock? its more like being shell shocked than actually being culture shocked, its tiring. The classes are far away, the sun is scorching hot and its penetrating through my skin, im sweating like a (pick an animal which is legal in ur religion and haram for another), again, im being the bitch who still refuses to tango.
Like it or not, as with any good student, I have to bend over and let the institution do the rest, I mean, what can go wrong, right? right???
Im paranoid, i feel insecure, i feel lonely, im bored, i feel lazy, i feel like writing my thoughts (as always) but then again, i feel lazy...
To the new followers of my cult, uh, blog, i want to say thank u for spending ur time to read the monstrous crap that i produce.
And happy new year to all, i know im 18 days late (depending on which part of earth ur living in)
Till next time...