Saturday, November 27, 2010

Being, perfect...

There is no such thing as being a perfect person/thing/being so on, u just can't, why am i saying this? Perfect is nothing more than a superlative which is impossible to accomplish. Think of this. If you have perfect grades so on and so forth, u failed at being a failure. U lean more towards achievement rather than failure, therefore, u fail at failing and vice versa, being perfect, as I see it, is being perfect at both things, at being both a failure and an achiever, and it is preposterously impossible, and therefore, defeats the whole idea of perfection.

Now, let's look at this theory that i have built, put it in another sense, as in, in a form of a question then comes to mind when we review the word as in, usage, how did we came in contact with this word? It's because we made the whole thing up about perfection, such as the perfect guy/girl, the perfect body, the perfect afternoon, we see these things as perfect because it pushes the right buttons, the right situations, or requirements. Come to think of it, why do guys see that a girl/celebrity/whatever to have the perfect body shape/face/hair/whatever?

It's because it fits to the liking of the person, as the phrase which goes, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. He/she is perfect for someone while he/she might be absurdly inappropriate for others.

So folks, be grateful to what u have, because there's nobody that can satisfy all of ur needs, do think of it this way, what might not be perfect for u, might leave and be perfect for another person because he/she satisfies of his/her taste and maybe the one that u have thought of being all perfect might not be the ideal one for u after all.

A random song for the random post...

Till next time...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

All talk and no substance

I use facebook, for a variety of reasons, u know, to check out people, see how they are doing, talk to my friends, u know, stalk people for no reason, normal facebook stuff that people do (except for the stalking bit). This activity seems harmless until, when it comes to status updates posted by my friends (insert any name here), i am not offending anybody, but i'm just saying something that offends me. Having a very low tolerance level to idiotic status updates, these crummy and poorly thought out status updates are starting to bug me.

For instance, lets take a normal update, like, your in love with someone, very well, u will say that u love someone, but when u dedicate all of your time, every single update, every single post to say that u love a certain someone in corny sentences, like the moon shines as brightly as ur ass, and people actually liked these sort of updates, every time, its thoughtful for the one who is receiving the love wishes, this post is not written out on the sole purpose of jealousy that people are more popular than i am, but do take a minute to think. The rest of us dont care, seriously, we don't give a flying fuck for anything that happens in ur relationship, period.

This begs the question, to delete, or not to delete, i am just going to keep silent on the decision that i am going to take, because, face it, the universe favours the good looking, and when everybody isnt on the side that u are on, it becomes ridiculously difficult to apprehend the situation, and igniting the flame of hate is not the way, but here it is, my two cents for all of u love dovey love birds who have so much love that u cant help but to not keep it to yourselves,

There's a reason why they call it as your private life, its meant to be, private.

Till next time...